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STI facts that teens ought to know

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also referred to as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), can be a delicate topic, despite it being a cause for concern, especially...

Do Lesbians Need to Care About STI’s?

It’s a common misconception that lesbians are not affected by sexually transmitted infections. Unfortunately, such infections can be spread through female-to-female sexual activity. Whilst the...

Baby’s First Year

The first year of a baby’s life is a whirlwind of activity. Sleepless nights, exciting firsts and a whole new world of experiences for everyone....

ARLA issues 10 tips for tenants

Tenants will struggle if they end up in a property with a landlord that simply doesn’t care about the property or if they have a...

How Scrum can save businesses money

Scrum, and agile development in general, is a fairly major trend throughout the development sphere, but it is usually adopted to increase flexibility and the...

A Bad Hair Day = A Bad Day

Who knew that our hair could have such a big impact on the way we feel? Surveys have revealed that when we’re having a bad...

Deliciously weird food pairings

Most people have a strange food combination that they love, but normally they don’t tell other people as they worry that they will be judged....

Tips for cleaning exterior brick

Over time, dirt and grime can make your exterior walls look dull or dingy. If your home has classic brick walls, there are ways to...
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