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How to make savoury scones

While scones with jam and cream may be the quintessential scone, this is not the only option and they do not have to be sweet....
Home Improvement

Top ways to keep your home secure

Securing your home can help avoid the stress and distress associated with break-ins. This doesn’t have to be a difficult task, so try some of...

How to be Deaf Aware at Work

Many people with hearing loss shy away from sharing this information with colleagues. They fear it will impact their job prospects or alter how they...

Six Types of PR

Broadly speaking, public relations is about how organisations communicate with a specific audience, but the exact format can vary depending on the nature of the...
Home Improvement

Historic Marble Buildings

The Taj Mahal, which is made almost entirely of marble, is one of the most famous historical objects made from this material. The stunning mausoleum...
Home Improvement

The Building Industry Needs More Land

When the Covid Pandemic spread across the entire Nation infecting every Country and Continent around the whole world, the Building Industry was one of the...

Career Progression for Carers

Being a carer is a wonderfully fulfilling role. A carer enables vulnerable people to continue living a full enjoyable life either in the comfort of...


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