Each year in the UK about 25,000 fires occur in non-residential properties. It is important that everyone who works – whether in an office, warehouse, shop or other environment – is aware of the potential sources of fire, as well as being kept up to date with the correct procedures to follow if fire does break out.
Although, of course, every workplace has different potential dangers, it is management’s responsibility to ensure every worker is aware of possible fire hazards so they can report them as soon as possible.
According to the Health and Safety Executive, employers and building owners must carry out a regular fire safety risk assessment.
A few common hazards you may encounter in the work environment include:
Flammable Liquids
In factories and warehouses, or in places such as hotels, garages and kitchens, the dangers of liquid and accompanying vapours should never be underestimated. Many flammable liquids ignite instantly on contact with flames or sparks, and fumes are especially dangerous because they may be undetectable and are likely to spread.
Workers should ensure solvents and flammable liquids are properly sealed and stored safely. Should a spill happen, cleaning up must be thorough and take place immediately.
Heat-Generating Machinery
There are many items of commonly used equipment and machinery which produce heat when used, making fires more likely.
Keep combustible materials, such as waste paper, well away from heat sources, and unplug machinery when it is not in use. Never leave machinery switched on overnight if this can be avoided.
Waste Materials
Many workplaces produce waste – even if it’s just paper in office bins. But it is essential even this small amount of waste is disposed of correctly and on a regular basis so it can’t provide fuel for a fire.
While smoking is mostly prohibited in workplaces now, there is still the potential for a stray spark to ignite a store of paper or other waste. Keep waste material in a safe area, preferably away from main buildings.
Electrical Faults
Those in charge of workplace safety must ensure all electrical equipment is checked regularly to keep it safe. You can get more advice from Gloucester fire risk assessors such as Gloucester risk assessors http://keloscape.co.uk/.
They will help keep your workplace safe for you and your workers, ensuring you have peace of mind at all times.