Next to Google, Facebook is probably the other giant technology company that knows the most about you. The amount of information that can only be collected from the social network and the way in which its technology can analyze all the interactions we carry out in it, are enough to create a fairly detailed profile of who we are.
About this fact is that the Data Selfie application wants to help us have a clearer perspective. It is an extension for Chrome open source that helps you discover the tracking of information carried out by Facebook when you use it, and shows you how artificial intelligence and algorithms use your data to discover your personality.
Tracking what Facebook tracks
Data Selfie is basically a crawler tracker. While you are active the extension will work in the background and will be looking at everything you publish, what you see, how long you look at it, where you click, and what you like. The more you use Facebook, the more data you collect.
Then the program takes all that data and applies algorithms of language processing of the artificial intelligence system Watson of IBM and also of the University of Cambridge, to show you the power of machine learning when creating a detailed profile about you depending on simply what you do on Facebook.
The social profile that you have created without realizing it
It gives you a pretty clear and a little frightening idea about the profile that you have created in the social network unconsciously . It shows you an activity dashboard with everything you have looked at, the links you have opened, what you liked, and what you have written in a detailed chart by dates and times. This includes the time you spent online on Facebook since installing the extension.
Then it shows you the friends and pages with which you have interacted and for how long. There you will also find a predictor of your personality based on these data, you can also compare the difference between who you give the impression of being according to what you write versus what you see. How conservative or traditional you are, your level of impulsiveness or spontaneity, your political and religious orientation.
And much more than that, even more detailed predictions with considerable economic and commercial interest, such as the type of clothing you prefer to buy, or if you eat out frequently, or if you are thinking about starting your own business in the coming years. Facebook can know a lot about your values and needs, even more than yourself .
Data Selfie does not store your data anywhere except on your own computer. They only pass the necessary through their servers and the Watson APIs and Apply Magic Sauce without including your personal information such as name, gender, etc. The code of the application is available on your GitHub page.
For now the application can only analyze the content of the posts you see if they are written in English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. Predictions based on what you write only work in English, Spanish, Japanese, and Arabic.