There are several valid reasons why you might need to attend a professionally run Challenging behaviour training course supplied by an elite company such as These reasons include, working in a Special Needs School, supporting a disabled child in a mainstream school, fostering a child with challenging behaviours or living with your own Special Needs child at home. You might be working as a Police Officer, a Paramedic, a Firefighter, or a Carer in a residential home with patients struggling with Dementia. Any of these careers could potentially expose you to people who show challenging and aggressive behaviours, so this type of training is also relevant for you.
Any training courses that can help and support you throughout your everyday lives is worthwhile completing and detailed training aimed at specific areas of your work or home life is an absolute must. You will be taught how to distract and neutralise a person experiencing an aggressive behavioural episode. You will gain confidence in your own abilities and learn how to use agreed techniques such as Team Teach.
Remaining calm and knowing how to defuse a potentially dangerous situation is key to anybody working with a Special Needs Child, fostering a disabled youngster, living with a child at home who has complex learning difficulties, or who works in any of the three Emergency Services. Enrolling yourself onto an appropriate training course is not only the smart thing to do but it is the right thing to do.