Although fats are not what they were before, because they are nutrients concentrated in energy many are still afraid of their intake at the time of losing, so, we want to eliminate that fear leaving different reasons to eat fats if you want to lose weight.
Why we should consume fats if we want to lose weight
Although we must always remember that fats contribute 9 kcal per gram and that to lose weight is important a caloric deficit, it has been proven that a diet low in fat can be more effective than a diet low in fat at the time of losing weight, Inclusion can increase adherence to treatment and thereby help us lose weight over time effectively.
In addition, fats make our preparations more palatable as they are determinants of their palatability and in our brains, we can have a pleasant response to their intake, hence the fats also make a diet to lose weight more pleasant and bearable . In this way, we can stimulate the intake of vegetables or return more attractive dishes totally light and unpleasant to the palate.
As if that were not enough, the intake of fat along with a variety of vegetables for example, favors the absorption of the vitamins thereof. So it has been proven that the fat of a meal increases the use of vitamin E by our body and also, a study concludes that the intake of carotenes together with fat favors its absorption and increases the levels of vitamin A in the body.
Similarly it happens with other liposolubles vitamins such as vitamin D and K , whose absorption is favored by the ingestion of fats.
Finally, we must not forget that certain types of fats can not be produced in our body, therefore, we can only obtain them through diet and their presence in each cell is of great importance for its correct functioning.
So, we see that there are many valid reasons that support fat intake at the time of weight loss and even if they are concentrated in energy, we should only know how to consume them in adequate amounts but each day they are needed in our diet.
The importance of choosing correctly
Although all fats provide palatability and facilitate the absorption of nutrients, not all are equal to take care of the health of our body, but as we always say, it is important to choose correctly.
In addition to taking care that we do not exceed 40% of the calories of the diet in the form of fats , it is essential to prioritize the intake of unsaturated fats and limit the maximum consumption of trans fats.
It has been proven that monounsaturated fats consumed as a substitute for saturated fats can favor thinning, even without modifying calories in the diet.
On the other hand, it has also been observed that foods rich in good fats such as walnuts that have a high proportion of polyunsaturated fats are associated with better metabolic health.
Therefore, it is always better to choose unsaturated fats when trying to lose weight but it is essential if we lose weight successfully fats not lacking in the diet.