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How to be Deaf Aware at Work

Many people with hearing loss shy away from sharing this information with colleagues. They fear it will impact their job prospects or alter how they are viewed. Having an inclusive work environment can help to change this, however, and there are services and training opportunities that can assist.

Training in the Workplace

There are a range of training opportunities that can help create more deaf awareness in the workplace and encourage a more inclusive environment.

The RNID, for example, runs remote courses that can help everyone understand some of the barriers faced by people with hearing loss and allow organisations to become more accessible. Subject matters covered range from deaf awareness training to classes teaching British Sign Language.

Communication Support

There are things that employers can do to ensure that people with hearing loss are supported. Options include BSL interpreters, deafblind interpreters, electronic notetakers, lipspeakers, and speech-to-text reporters.

In some cases, an individual can speak to their audiologist Poole or elsewhere to allow them to communicate what support they might need. Clinics such as https://www.imperialhearing.com/audiologist-near-me/poole can offer advice to clients to ensure that they are as involved as possible in improving their workplace environment.

Inclusivity is Important

Good communication with people who have hearing loss or are deaf can help make them heard, seen and included. Some top tips include ensuring that meetings and events are deaf aware and that open conversations are had with all staff about hearing loss.

Technology can be used to aid communication, including hearing loops and assistive technology such as apps. There are accessibility features available on a wide range of apps, including video conferencing apps.

Communication Tips

A few simple tips can help increase inclusivity in the workplace for people with hearing loss. When communicating with a person who is deaf or who has hearing loss, start by getting their attention with a simple gesture and then face them to aid lipreading. Be patient and don’t be afraid to rephrase or repeat what you are saying.


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