No matter what your event is, it doesn’t all come to an abrupt halt when you leave the venue. Work starts now on your next event. Take advantage of your successful event with essential follow-up activity.
1. Assess What Worked and What Didn’t
Ask those involved in the management of the event. Your registration team may well have dealt with admin issues, or perhaps the caterers had to suddenly find extra food or drinks. Ask for feedback, identifying what has worked and what could be improved.
2. Use of Information
Identify which information you need, how you intend to comply with Data Protection and justify how you will be using it in the future. Arrange for appropriate destruction of any additional information – whether it’s digital or paper-based.
3. Categorisation, Prioritisation and Follow-up
The details you decide to keep need to be organised. Locate further subject information that will give you the opportunity to follow up attendees. If you have executed efficient marketing whilst at the event, you’ll have leads that will need following up – don’t miss the time-scales.
4. Thanks to Venue, Speakers and Event Organisers
Having a good-quality list of contacts speakers, organisers and locations is always an advantage when it comes to arranging future events. Keeping them engaged will not only ensure they are happy to consider a follow-up, but may also open further opportunities for you by their referral. Event companies in Dublin report that top speakers are booked up several seasons in advance, and booking early is essential.
5. Start Planning The Next Event
If your attendees have enjoyed it and found it a valuable use of their time and a benefit to their business or themselves, then now is the ultimate moment to tell them about your next event. Get a date into their diaries. Perhaps offer a discount as a previous attendee or an early-bird offer. This will give you a feel for the popularity of the recent event and any future ones. If your event looks like being popular, using an events agency such as davisevents can take the pressure off you and your company.
Dublin is an amazing city for any of your conference or corporate events, and its unique venues can help to ensure your events are successful.