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Philanthropy Reinvented: Social Networking And Activism

While the majority of running a successful business revolves around product knowledge and strong customer-service skills, it is equally as important to also participate in philanthropic events. Customers like to see businesses being actively involved with these types of events because it shows they genuinely care about the community they are doing business in and that they are not simply there to make money. We have compiled a list of some ways businesses can use social networking and activism to promote philanthropic causes they have ties to.

‘Likes’ and ‘Retweets’

If a business heavily believes in a philanthropic cause, they should not hesitate to let their ‘fans’ and ‘followers’ know about it. They should encourage the people on their social media accounts to ‘like,’ ‘share’ and retweet the information they post about the organizations they are supporting. Not only will this help to raise awareness for the philanthropic cause; it will also be a great public relations move on the business’ behalf.

Make it Personal

While any exposure of a philanthropic cause via social networking is good, the business should make their promotion as personal as possible. Perhaps, the business owner could write up a short explanation about how he or she had a friend who benefitted from the foundation. They should essentially give people a better reason to help out with the cause than simply letting people know the organization exists.


Business owners should also participate in the discussions that ensue as a result of their promotion of the philanthropic cause. They should also have some sort of “leader,” which is essentially a way of wording things to get the attention of readers.

Stating Company Values

On both social-networking pages and on the company’s website, the company’s values should be clearly stated. People should easily be able to find what the company stands for and what they are against. From there, readers can determine if the business has a real connection and reason for supporting the philanthropic cause, or if it is simply a public relations stunt to gain business.

Hosting or Sponsoring Fundraisers

Businesses that wish to support philanthropic causes can also host or sponsor fundraisers. For instance, they could put a weekly advertisement in various local media sources that would allow the community to know about upcoming events they could support. This will get the business itself a lot of extra exposure, and it will also be supporting a great cause.

Supporting philanthropic causes may seem like extra work at first, but it will pay off big time for business owners. There are plenty of great causes to support, and nearly any business within any industry can also find a cause to support that directly correlates to their industry.


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