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Three lessons you will learn in the spinning class (and that you can apply in your day to day)

Although the years pass spinning or indoor cycle is still one of the most demanded disciplines in gyms: classes are filled day after day of all adepts who, after a period of adaptation (shorter or longer) can no longer Live without pedaling.

And it is that the disco music at full volume, the feeling of group training (although there is no interaction between the attendees), the choral effort to climb a fictional mountain and, especially, the endorphins that we segregate in a class make spinning a Addictive discipline. 

Not only is it good for our body : it also teaches us great lessons that we can apply to our day to day life as the three that we present below.

  • Posture is the most important thing: in the spinning class and outside of it, a correct posture will mar the difference between spending 45 minutes suffering or enjoying. Within the spinning class to take good posture helps us to work exactly the muscles we want (and that, in addition to legs and buttocks, also includes our abdominal belt); Out of class a good posture remains paramount when we walk, while we are sitting at the computer or in any other sport.
  • Patience is a virtue (and perseverance as well): you get to the spinning class the first day and it’s very likely that you can not do more than 15 minutes in a row. The rest of the class you spend sitting on your bike and pedaling at your pace. But after a few weeks you notice how you can put up with much more and you can follow all the indications of the teacher: the key is, like many things in this life, to be patient and persevering. Do not give up after the first day!
  • The group does the strength: have you ever tried to do a spinning class alone? You ride on the bike, you put on the music and probably in a few minutes you will be missing the comrades’ words of encouragement, the teacher’s instructions and the party atmosphere in these classes. In the middle of a spinning class, surrounded by your teammates, you keep pedaling even if you think you can not do it anymore: the same group , even if nobody tells you anything, encourages you to continue and give your best. Feeling part of a group and sharing experiences, whatever you do (train, be a fan of a musician or a movie, follow a diet) makes you stronger: united is always better.

In a spinning class you can also learn that, you devote to what you dedicate, the technique is primordial and can help you maximize your results. Also take care of the details, such as the correct placement of handlebars and saddle , before starting to give it all can make a big difference in the final result.

There are many things that we can learn from the sport and that we can take to our daily life, with which you stay?


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