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Brain stroke: What it is and how you can recognize it in time

The stroke is also known as cerebral infarctions, and are the leading cause of death by disease in the Spanish women . It is therefore a serious disease in which the reaction time is very important for the patient to go ahead.

Luckily, there are certain signs that anyone can recognize and that point to whoever presents them may be suffering a stroke and needs medical attention immediately.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a sudden interruption of the normal blood supply to the brain . It can occur either by a cerebral hemorrhage, in which there is bleeding inside the brain , or by a cerebral ischemia, in which a thrombus interrupts that flow. In both cases there is a brain injury, loss of neurons and, if very serious, death.

Why early detection is important

Early attention is crucial in a stroke because it increases the chances of survivaland reduces subsequent sequelae: the less time the brain goes through without normal blood supply, the less damage it will suffer.

In the case of an ischemic stroke, an early reaction makes it possible to try to eliminate the thrombus that is interrupting the irrigation, either with medication or through the application of a catheter (introduction of a thin instrument to eliminate the thrombus).

In the case of hemorrhage, the patient’s blood pressure should be monitored and the blood pressure should not increase inside the skull, causing neuronal damage.

Once the cause is eliminated, recovery begins. The sooner rehabilitation begins, the more likely it is that the person who has suffered stroke will recover almost all of their previous skills, although a high percentage will have permanent sequelae, mainly loss of mobility of some parts of their body.

Signs to detect a stroke

The specific symptoms of each stroke vary depending on the area of ​​the affected brain, but there are some signs that allow us to recognize if we are suffering one of these attacks.

1. Weakness, numbness or paralysis of a part of the body.

2. Difficulty speaking correctly even if we know what we want to say.

3. Sudden loss of vision, totally or partially.

4. A very strong sudden vertigo, dizziness or problems of balance and uncoordinated movements.

5. A very intense sudden headache.

Just as important to recognize these symptoms if they appear in ourselves, is to detect the signs that indicate that another person is suffering a stroke if we see that acts strangely. It is a protocol baptized in English with the acronym FAST , which means the following:

Face (Face)

The first sign may come from difficulties in moving the muscles of the face, so ask the affected person to smile . If he does not get it, or he does it with only one side of his face while the other remains immobile, it’s time to take him to the hospital.

Arms (Arms)

Another way to recognize a stroke is because of mobility problems of the body in general, so if you think someone may be suffering, ask them to raise both arms above their head . If you can not, or raise only one, it is also an alarm signal.

Speak (Speech)

Sometimes a stroke causes damage to the area of ​​the brain that regulates speech, so ask that person to say something specific , an answer to a question or describe the color of something in sight. If you can not or your words do not make sense, it is also an alarm signal.

Time (Time)

Although it is not a signal, the time within the acronym is included to underscore the importance of taking action quickly and taking the affected person to an emergency service.

And the language?

A chain that circulates by email for years , converted into WhatsApp chain recently ensures that another sign that a person is suffering from a stroke may be in the language : if you ask him to take it out, you check that it is twisted to the side, It is an alarm signal.

However, it has not really been introduced in the official recommendations. The reason is that a twisting of the tongue is something that is only seen in a limited percentage of cases, and are usually serious cases , in which there are already other signs much more evident.


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