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More customer is to strive to maintain humane treatment

In the Internet world, it seems, at first glance, that the scale of values between what should be done and what is not important is very different from what happens outside the network. The important thing when an online business is managed need not be the same as what matters outside the network: an online store has to bet on the speed, the efficiency and the breakdown of geographic barriers (no matter where we want to buy, you have to sell them on equal terms to those next door).

It is true that there are many differences and that the list of priorities is often different, but the truth is that there is an element that is so important – even if the consumer is in different stages of the process with it – in one another. The humane treatment, the friendly salesman who is interested in what the consumer wants and strives to offer it, has been one of the main characteristics of traditional commerce, one of the big chains have tried to copy and one that certainly ecommerce should matter. The humane treatment is also crucial in times of electronic commerce and, although we are at a virtual shop, you should not miss in the equation to get the best online shop.

More customer is to strive to maintain humane treatmentWhat you can do differently take into account the human factor in the process of selling online?

One of the main windows for differentiation with e-commerce companies is in the packaging of their products. How it delivers the purchased it can become, in fact, the element that makes a mark whether or not remembered by consumers. A good online shopping experience can end up with a bad package or totally deficient service delivery. And here, in fact, everything is left to the human factor.

Logistics companies are trying to create tools to be more effective in delivering the products at home. Sure, for example, is trying to tell consumers when they will stop by your home to make delivery with a margin of one hour (now warn of wider bands such as ‘morning’). But besides the work of the logistics of delivery is also creating shipping. And that’s where personal hand inside the online store comes into play.

Some small e – commerce brands, as is the case of Laconicum, have turned their packaging in one more way to point out the exclusivity of its products. They sell cosmetics and perfumery high level and often exclusive. The box in which they arrive is maintained and has that personal touch for offline packages of high – end stores.


But not only the human factor can best make the delivery process and ensure that the packaging of a product has a special touch, it is also key to a truly personalized service. Big data tools and all data mining efforts by companies allow to know as never to consumers.

You can, for example, send newsletter adequate to things that even they do not know they really want (until they receive the newsletter and realize) or even can insist that buy what you do not just make sure that should buy. Do you think you could like science fiction and you’ve been taking a look at the titles of the genre? Do not worry, Amazon and send you a few emails with the best titles to not hesitate and buy.

What role does then that the human factor? For the truth is that much: consumers are still able to differentiate when they have faced a machine and when they do to a human and value in a special way that things coming from companies (and especially coming from internet ) are behind a person. Hence these mails of ecommerce companies that let you clear that you are sending so and so and not a robot either. Or there those little details that make it clear that whoever made the package for you was a person: some small online boutiques selling accompany it with some candy. It has been agreed with you while making the package, they’re saying.

For small businesses, this customization (and know well the customer) can be, in fact, one of the formulas of differentiation and one of the ways to win the game to large eCommerce. In fact, in this equation, “more customer is to strive to maintain humane treatment”.

Monitoring during purchase

But the best example of the importance of personalized service is the customer chats during the process. Maybe a FAQ are very cost effective and easy to maintain (or one of those systems closed question that mimic natural language but are actually somewhat artificial and can be found, for example, on corporate pages of some operators telecommunications) but they are very unfriendly and mostly very inflexible. Know that when questions is a human person on the other side, someone who will understand what questions and you will know how to respond equally flexible, not only does best shopping experience, but also makes trust more the user in the store on-line.

After sales service

And from there we jump to the part where human attention is even more fundamental, after sales service. When the customer has to address this service is because either your package has not arrived, or have had a problem or a problem with the product. In such a situation, the least need is a machine devoid of empathy. A good customer service neutralizes the negative aspect that is always having to go to after sales service and also can become one of the hallmarks of the company. It is what happens for example with Amazon and one of the reasons that makes it different as Ecommerce Company.

Anyone who has had a problem with Amazon can probably attest to that (and this has become a kind of? Online sport ‘). It matters little that the problem is that the book has been purchased either has not arrived or the Kindle e-reader should not download ebooks as we are buying. Someone from the customer service Amazon know how to fix it and do it quickly, efficiently and conveniently for the buyer.

Getting the Amazon after sales service can seem complicated. The company devotes a lot of resources, economic and professional, to do so. But really, the key is much simpler than it seems and much more copyable than you might think at first glance: the secret is actually in the humane treatment.

Social networks are human

Moreover, online stores have in some social networks of their best allies. Social networks are a way of presenting the products to convince consumers in their purchasing decisions and, above all, close ‘next to them. And social networks are also a tool for conversation? And conversation needs the human factor. What would become of her if not?

Social profiles of an online store should not be left therefore automation systems. In the case of e-commerce, automation is undoubtedly a capital sin. The profiles have to be dynamic, be well aware of what is going on and especially respond to consumers.

It may be what makes the difference

The importance of all these elements can be decisive. In a market where there are many competitors, which many trying to grab a piece of the pie, have a human face can be what makes an idea succeed or fail. The humane treatment can be what makes an online store that will survive even if their products are not the best. And indeed, it may be what make a small shop stand out against the big players.


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